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Gone To The Dogs!

Joined: 30 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Nakomis is gone and James is now HOH. Do you think that James will stick with the S6 alliance and nominate a floater? Or do you think that he will be bold enough to make a move against Chilltown?

And how about this "Secret Alliance" between Jase and Diane? I'm not sure I buy it, but it's a great conspiracy theory.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't like seeing Nakomis go as I always liked her. Just her hair colours alone where interesting enough but I also liked her attitude.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I was actually happy James won HOH. Anyone but Danielle! I couldn't stand her when she was on BB before and she's just as distasteful this time round.

I hope James sticks with Season 6 alliance but not counting on it. James does what's good for James and promises mean nothing to him, so time will tell but I just can't see it happening.

I don't buy any secret alliance with Jase and Diane but I've not really focused on it much, but given both their past history, they couldn't really stick with any one person and why should they? It's Big Brother and you're in there to screw people over.

As long as Kaysar, Janelle or Howie win, it's all good....but I want Kaysar to take it all. I love that bugger Laughing
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Location: Walkin' the plank

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

While I still love Kaysar, I'd like to smack him around a bit for not making a deal with Erica, and I'd like to smack her around for a bit for being a stupid gutless twit.

I think it is kind of early for James to be doing his James thing, but I also don't think he is truly aligned with BB6. I think he has his own alliance with himself and no one else. I hope he'll nominate Will the Evil and his stupid pet Boogie. I have confidence in James. Go James!!! Please James!!!! (breathe kel...breathe kel)

Nakomis was a killer player. Very very intelligent and it is sad to see her go because she is quite devious. However, if I was in the house, I'd want her gone.

Back to Will the Evil...he is so conceited it makes me physically ill. Please, let him choke on a corn-nut and be removed from the house.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OMG I was gutted to see Kaysar let his head be shaved Sad He had such beautiful hair and now he looks like a Guantanamo detainee.

Chicken George didn't seem to look that bad after he got the blueberry off himself though


I have to say I thought that was a brilliant speech Will gave at the POV ceremony. Telling them he hated them all was so bloody funny Razz People might not like him but you have to admit he's funny as hell, and he's the true idea of what Big Brother is all about. Keep the ones in you hate because they are the most entertainment (although I've not followed this in BB UK).

I think no matter what, Jase is on his way home. I like how he had the fit in the garden and called people out, especially Marcellis, and got them all wound up a bit.

I really hope Jase does go home just to see more of Wills antics although I love seeing Jase wind people up as well.

Anything can happen Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chicken George at Buddha! Smile His speech was quite touching. Awww bless.

I don't like Will but I did like his brutal honesty. He hates everybody. Shocked Then again is this just a game tactic? But if it is, why is he there? Does he want to be kicked out or is he playing? no

Kaysar getting his hair shaved off was gutting! I was shouting at the tv..."NO NO DON'T DO IT KAYSAR!" Crying

I thought he still looked good afterwards and with a hat on I can almost forget he's a baldy now. Razz

It'll grow.

Poor chicken George, will he really have to eat 'slop' porridge for the rest of his stay? :grr:
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ally wrote:
Chicken George at Buddha! Smile His speech was quite touching. Awww bless.

I don't like Will but I did like his brutal honesty. He hates everybody. Shocked Then again is this just a game tactic? But if it is, why is he there? Does he want to be kicked out or is he playing? no

Kaysar getting his hair shaved off was gutting! I was shouting at the tv..."NO NO DON'T DO IT KAYSAR!" Crying

I thought he still looked good afterwards and with a hat on I can almost forget he's a baldy now. Razz

It'll grow.

Poor chicken George, will he really have to eat 'slop' porridge for the rest of his stay? :grr:

It is so obvious to me it's a game tactic. He wants everyone to hate him so much that they won't see him as a threat because he's giving off the impression he wants to leave so they'll keep shifting the ones they feel are more 'a threat' to go and keep leaving him to end....until he possibly makes it to THE END!

I don't fancy Will either but it is a brilliant move and you have to give the guy kudos for his strategy.

I was the same when watching Kaysar sit in that chair. I was saying NOOOOOOOOOO KAYSAR DON'T DO ITTTTTTTTTTTT lol Razz I couldn't handle seeing that beautiful thick black hair being shaved off Crying I just hope he keeps his hat on for a wee while till some grows back, but he's still a handsome bugger with or without hair Surprised

I don't know how George is going to handle eating slop for his remaining time in the house as he was gagging on it during POV, but I think he's so motivated to stay that he'll try and stick it out. I wouldn't think it's a very healthy diet for him so I'm hoping Big Brother gives him something here and there like veggies or whatever so he has proper nutrition. If he doesn't he'll be mentally and physicall unable to do his best in competitions and such.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2006
Location: Walkin' the plank

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Will needs to die. His speech was absolutly brilliant and hysterical. He must die!!! If the housemates send Jace home, they are stupid. He is not a threat in my opinion. He is too unstable (as seen with the major fight). Will is the bigger threat and I'm tired of his cock sure attitude.

And I was scared when Kaysar got his head shaved, but I think he makes a very nice looking shaved headed man Laughing I still drool for Kaysar.

Can't wait for tonights episode. I'm pleading with the big brother gods to just make will go away.
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Gone To The Dogs!

Joined: 30 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I, too, was bummed out when Kaysar had his head shaved, and it was all for naught since Chicken George won anyway.

Bet Jase is kicking himself for removing his sorry butt from the veto competition now that he's taken George's place in the eviction chair! I really can't stand Jase, even more so than Dr. Will, so I won't be sad to see Jase leave tonight.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kezza wrote:
I, too, was bummed out when Kaysar had his head shaved, and it was all for naught since Chicken George won anyway.

Bet Jase is kicking himself for removing his sorry butt from the veto competition now that he's taken George's place in the eviction chair! I really can't stand Jase, even more so than Dr. Will, so I won't be sad to see Jase leave tonight.

Can't wait to see who goes but I feel the same way. Not bothered who leaves of these two really. Although Dr. Will is asking for it and I'd like to see him shown the door. Call his bluff.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''Big Brother'''s Jase: ''The entertainment industry sucks. I hate L.A.'' The outspoken evictee hated going back to the house, but still thought he'd be around a little longer by Jessica Shaw

You thought Jase was acting crazy and pathetic on Big Brother: All Stars? Try having a phone conversation with the guy the after he got the unanimous boot.

Hi. It's Enrico Palazzo.

And yet you sound oddly like a recently evicted Big Brother contestant.
Okay, yeah, it's Jase.

Jase, you changed your game quite a bit from Big Brother 5 and yet it didn't work out so well.
I really thought I was gonna last longer.

You're slurring your words and you sound exhausted. Are you okay?
I missed my family so much and [girlfriend] Heidi and I were on the phone all night long. I pretty much came directly here without sleeping.

What did she say to console you?
She's just ready for me to get home.

So what do you think did you in this season?
Honestly, my deal was I hate Big Brother. I hated it the first time around. I hated it the second time around. It's a pretty good chunk of change if you can win it. I was like, ''F--- it. I hate it here? from day 1.

But yet you chose to go back.
If you get an All-Star bid, you gotta take that. But day 1, I was like, ''What the f?k am I doing back here?''

Were you and Diane in an alliance that you started before the show?
That's one of the weird parts of Big Brother. Diane and I were absolute nemeses in Big Brother 5 and now she was on my side.

And the alliance?
The Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance? Sure, why not?

When I talked to Nakomis last week, she said a bunch of you guys all knew each other from hanging out in L.A. Were you friends with other contestants before you went in?
That's not true. I stayed out in L.A. for a while and tried to make some things happen. I moved back to Illinois. I don't talk to anyone from my season. I don't care to. Just because you're a bunch of weird people put in a house doesn't mean you're meant to be friends. Some people get into the whole Big Brother family thing. I don't. It's what it was. I just want to go back to where people are real.

Not a fan of L.A. I take it?
L.A. sucks. The entertainment industry sucks. I hate L.A. The traffic sucks.

You claim to be so over it all. Then why did you break down crying on your last day?
In Big Brother 5 I was playing for myself. If I let myself down I don't care. But this time I was playing for Heidi and this 3-year old little girl. I wanted to do it for them. It's not about Jase anymore. It's about my family. So it kind of stung a little bit.

BOLD {I know you think James back-doored you, but considering it wasn't his intention, do you think maybe you overreacted in your anger toward him? }]
Everyone's gotta do what they gotta do. The game is a TV show first and a game second. You can do all the strategizing you want and there's still a veto ceremony when you'll have to dye your balls blue and shave your head. I'm not going to give up my veto to save George. There's so much luck involved. If you can get to the end and still have your sanity, good for you.

BOLD {Speaking of George, I was actually touched by his ''I'm proud to be playing with you? speech. Inside the house, did you see that as genuine or strategy? }]
George's speech, I would rate it about a 5. George, you gotta recall on Big Brother 1, their job was to work America. It doesn't work as well with people in the house. He's still trying to work America. The tears were all about his selling his shtick to America. I don't have any ill feelings toward George.

BOLD {Before you got put up for elimination, you incited some drama in the house. Of all people, why did you decide to attack Marcellas that afternoon? }]
Because he's just a bitch and I knew I'd get him to open his mouth. I basically got him to say what I wanted.

BOLD {Who do you think was playing the best game? }]

BOLD {Jase, why are you being so difficult? }]
I really don't know. It's just whoever has HOH decides who's going to go.

BOLD {Do you have any regrets? }]
No. I never regret anything I do.

BOLD {I kept wondering when we'd see all your bandanas and odd fashion statements. When were those going to come out? }]
Yeah. I never got to play. I was going to start off slow and like a steam engine explode once I got to a certain point. I was going to get all wild and outspoken.

BOLD {To say you're bitter would be an understatement and yet you told Julie last night that you're ready to go back in the house. Are you still?}]
I would go back if they would offer me a hell of a financial deal. No. No, they'd have to offer me half a million. Otherwise, I'm over it.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for that article. Don't often hear anything from these people after they are evicted.

He sounds very bitter doesn't he? Still I wouldn't expect him to be happy about losing.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So do you think Howie really has a crush on Will, or do you think he's messing with Will's pretty head?
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

he's totally messin about. Howie loves women and can't stop going on about boobs so I'd say he's just playing a game. If he does have a crush on Will though then I'd say Wills a lucky man. Howie is wicked lol
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IRiSHMaFIA wrote:
he's totally messin about. Howie loves women and can't stop going on about boobs so I'd say he's just playing a game. If he does have a crush on Will though then I'd say Wills a lucky man. Howie is wicked lol

I reckoned he was just winding Will up.

Howie is great. I enjoyed having the live feed last year and seeing more of him. Jedi Howie! Smile

I can't believe I didn't get it this year considering my fave players are in it and have had HOH as well. Oh well maybe after the UK BB ends I'll go for it, if it's cheaper by then.
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Gone To The Dogs!

Joined: 30 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm, the fact that Jase gave a post-show interview may indicate that he's not going into seclusion for a return to the house -- at least that's what I'm hoping for.

So, how about Janelle's nominations? I'm not sure I agree with them, especially if she really thinks she can have an alliance with ChillTown.
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