Galloway running for London mayor?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:07 pm    Post subject: Galloway running for London mayor? Reply with quote

I'm sure most of you will have heard Galloway hinting last night that he might be running for the London mayor position in the next election. As soon as I heard it I thought 'Not a chance!', but on reading this article from Socialist Worker it seems clear that Galloway is going against Respect's 'constitution' by not supporting Lindsey German, which bothers me a lot. He knew all along what the SWP were like, so why start the coalition in the first place? Was it political expediency or was he just simply using them when it suited?

Whatever's going on, I think it's only fair to say that it's a bloody shambles.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

George Galloway Splits From Respect
3 November, 2007 - 15:30
Tom Unterrainer

George Galloway and his supporters have split from Respect. After a week in which he has tried to pretend that the SWP and other socialists were leaving Respect he has announced a rival conference on the same day as the Respect national conference.

The split conference, under the name Respect Renewal, does not have the support of the majority of Respect members nor has it been authorised or endorsed by any of the elected bodies of Respect.

George Galloway has chosen to ignore the resolutions from Respect branches around the country demanding that the Respect conference go ahead. The attempt by Linda Smith and Salma Yaqoob earlier this week to call off the long planned Respect annual conference failed because most rank and file members demanded that it go ahead.

George Galloway's response has been to try and split the organisation by calling a separate conference. He has failed to win votes at the national officers meetings or to put his call to a national council. He fears he will not have the support of a majority at a the Respect conference.

Every Respect member should support the original and properly delegated conference. No other conference will be a delegate body with the authority to speak for Respect members. We remain committed to the radical, democratic principles of Respect as it was first founded.


That would explain my earlier question then...
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 3:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm behind Galloway, no matter what. Respect are nothing without him.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

respect won't have any money without the swp

i think all this is a real shame Sad
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm thinking to just see Galloway as a media-pundit and not as a serious MP.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

George uses the media to spread his message. Being an MP is just another platform to try and change things .. but if that platform is so closed then trying to exploit all media opportunities is a good way to spread the word.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He's lost a fair amount of respect from me - and I'm not alone in that. Maybe he should retire completely from politics, that way he can't be accused of having a particular bias.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i had an email today from the new respect 'renewal'

Dear Friend,

Please find below two documents:
(1) Renewing Respect, from Linda Smith and Salma Yaqoob
(2) An invitation to the Respect Renewal Conference called by
Linda Smith, Salma Yaqoob and 17 other National Council members
including George Galloway MP


(1) Renewing Respect

The following statement has been issued by Linda Smith, National Chair
of Respect, and Salma Yaqoob, National Vice-Chair of Respect.

Respect was founded to bring together people from divergent political backgrounds in a common struggle for peace, equality and justice. It is now clear, however, that there is a fundamental and irretrievable breakdown in trust and relations between the SWP leadership and other parts of Respect.

There can be no confidence in the legitimacy of the forthcoming Respect conference. The entire democratic process in Respect has been corrupted. If the conference goes ahead it will do no more than confirm that the SWP leadership is hijacking Respect for its own factional purposes. We will not be attending it.

"This breakdown in relations has occurred because the SWP leadership arrogantly refuses to countenance any situation in which they are not dominant and do not exercise control. They are determined to put the interests of the SWP above that of Respect. The sectarianism and 'control freak' methods of the SWP have led us to a situation where Respect is irretrievably split. The SWP leadership has supported the breakaway of four councillors from the Respect group in Tower Hamlets, who then went into coalition talks with the Liberal Democrats.

We have no intention of giving up the struggle for a pluralistic, democratic and broad left wing movement. We will therefore be holding a Respect Renewal conference to discuss the future for progressive politics in Britain today. We are confident that this conference will attract a broad range of support from those who are interested in discussing how we can work together in pursuit of common objectives.

This renewal conference will take place in London on Saturday 17 November, and we urge as many people as possible to attend it. Respect, in its current form, cannot continue. But it is in
the interests of all us, including those in the wider left and anti-war movements, that this division is carried out in the most amicable manner possible - one that resolves any legal or organisational questions through negotiation.

Two meetings have taken place between us and the SWP Central Committee, in the presence of an independent chair respected by both sides. The independent chair confirmed to both groups that there was agreement that the relationship had come to an end, and that what we
were discussing were proposals for an amicable resolution of any outstanding organisational questions. Just days later, the SWP backed the split in the Respect group on Tower Hamlets council and walked out of further negotiations.

We remain committed to finding a negotiated solution to these issues. And we understand that the independent person is willing to continue their efforts to bring the two sides together. We urge the SWP to seek to resolve outstanding legal and organisational questions through further negotiations, in the hope that these matters will not have to be resolved elsewhere."


(2) An invitation to the Respect Renewal Conference called by Linda
Smith, Salma Yaqoob and 17 other National Council members

"We are inviting you to attend the Respect Renewal conference. It will take place on Saturday 17 November, at the Bishopsgate Institute in London, from 11am to 5pm. Speakers include George Galloway MP, Linda Smith, Cllr Salma Yaqoob, Ken Loach. There will be plenty of time for debate.

It will be an opportunity for all Respect members and others who want to continue the process of building a vibrant, radical, left alternative to New Labour to come together and discuss how to do this following the recent debilitating divisions that have split Respect. It will be an opportunity to reflect on the mistaken methods and lack of political vision that have led to the split in Respect and to learn lessons on how to work together and with others in the future.

We remain committed to the radical policies which have been the cornerstone of Respect since its inception. Our organisational model is based on plurality, democracy and transparency. For us, the acronym RESPECT Respect, Equality, Socialism, Peace, Environment, Community and Trade Unions remains as valid today as it did at our launch in 2004.

We want to build Respect but we also want to work together with all others who share a vision of a better, more equitable society, to create a broader, united party to represent the interests of all working-class people. We want to reach out to all those in the anti-war movement who still need a voice for peace and against imperialism. We want to reach out to all those concerned about climate change and the destruction of the environment.

We want to reach out to all those in the trade unions who feel betrayed by New Labour under Brown as under Blair. We want to reach out to all those in the black, Asian and other
minority ethnic communities who suffer racism and Islamophobia. We want to reach out to all those who want to fight against discrimination, whether or the grounds of religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. We want to reach out to the dispossessed, the asylum seeker, the migrant worker and to all who defend them. If you want to reach out with us, come along and join in our discussion."

The Respect Renewal conference is called by the following Respect
National Council members:

Linda Smith National Chair,
Salma Yaqoob National Vice-Chair,
Mobeen Azhar,
Ayesha Bajwa,
Victoria Brittain,
Rita Carter,
Ger Francis,
George Galloway MP,
Jerry Hicks,
John Lister,
Ken Loach,
Abdul Khalik,
Abdurahman Jafar,
Abjol Miah,
Bernie Parkes,
Yvonne Ridley,
Clive Searle,
Alan Thornett,
Nick Wrack.

If you would like to attend to our conference, or would like to know
more about us, please get in touch. e-mail:

Tel. nos: Ghada 07958 450 867; Rob 07507 600 561; Kevin 07930 532 952

Visit George's official website
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Locks changed on Respect office

Overnight the locks were changed on the Respect national office. This action excludes most National Officers, the national office staff and the majority of Respect members who support them from their own organisation's headquarters. In recent days Respect branches all around the country have overwhelmingly voted in favour of the Respect conference going ahead. This coup is obviously meant to prevent democratic debate continuing in Respect and to rob the membership of their own organisation. The immediate effect of this action is to prevent Respect from intervening effectively in today's NHS demonstration.

The Respect coalition nationally pays over half the rent, rates and bills of the office which is shared with the constituency party. We call on all Respect members to demand Linda Smith, the chair of Respect, and George Galloway reverse this disastrous course of action.

Please protest to,

Please send a copy of your protest to

Yours in solidarity,

John Rees, National Secretary
Elaine Graham Leigh, National Treasurer
Councillor Oli Rahman, Tower Hamlets
Councillor Michael Lavelette, Preston


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

they're worse than a couple going through a divorce - the media and other political parties are going to love this
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just looked at the renewal site and see that it's made by a german company - - could they not find someone local to do the work?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe you should offer, face.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Considering the way that things have been organised before now, I can't imagine they're paying the going rate. It should be a a fair day's pay for a fair day's work and all that jazz!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

They're actually the richest political party in the UK. Didn't you hear about all that money Galloway got from Saddam? Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Galloway denies quitting Respect

Paul Owen
Thursday November 8, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

George Galloway today denied claims he had quit his anti-war Respect party amid bitter infighting between rival factions of the organisation. But as civil war erupted within the party and those opposed to Mr Galloway claimed to have been locked out of their offices during the dispute, the maverick MP confirmed he would be hosting a rival party conference on the same day as Respect's official gathering.

The move sparked a claim on the official Respect party website that Mr Galloway had split from the party - an allegation the MP's spokesman vehemently denies. Speaking on Mr Galloway's behalf, John McKay told Guardian Unlimited: "It's not true [that Galloway has left the party]. The truth is that John Rees [Respect's national secretary] and crew, the SWP faction, are the ones that have split."

But Mr McKay confirmed that Mr Galloway was organising a rival party conference called Respect Renewal on the same day as the "official" Respect conference in London on November 17. The MP's conference will take place in the City of London, while Respect's conference will be held at the University of Westminster. Mr Rees said today that Mr Galloway's decision to set up a rival conference meant that he had left the party.

"I think under most people's definition that would be leaving an organisation," he said. "I think if the official Labour conference were taking place, and, for some reason, say Jack Straw decided to call his own conference on the same day, set up his own website, with a different name and his own email, people would assume that he had left the party."

Asked if Respect could continue without Mr Galloway, Mr Rees said: "There was always going to have to be a time when we would ... No matter how much of a contribution any individual makes to a political party, there is always a time when it has to continue without particular individuals and carry on." He said that "very few" members had left over this dispute, and did not rule out standing as an MP himself in the future.

Respect - formed in 2004 as a coalition of Muslim and far-left groups opposed to the Iraq war - has in recent months become increasingly divided. Tension have arisen between Mr Galloway and a number of Muslim and anti-war supporters on the one hand, with a Socialist Workers party faction led by Mr Rees on the other.

The dispute seems to have moved up a gear since the autumn. Last week, Respect claimed Mr Galloway's supporters had changed the locks on the party's national office in east London, which was shared between the party and the MP, leading Mr Rees to call on Mr Galloway to "reverse this disastrous course of action". But Mr McKay said: "The locks have been changed because the parliamentary rules in terms of financing insist that the office can only be constituency office for the MP and it cannot be a party political office."

Meanwhile, on Mr Galloway's website, the former Labour MP and 26 supporters posted a statement claiming that "the actions of the SWP leadership imperil the very existence of Respect as a broad, pluralistic and democratic left alternative to New Labour". The statement said that the conflict had escalated after Mr Galloway's attempts to introduce a new post of national organiser "to work alongside" Mr Rees, resulting in expulsions from the SWP and disputes over party personnel.

Mr Galloway is Respect's only MP. He was expelled from the Labour party in 2003 after making a series of anti-war comments. He was elected to represent Bethnal Green and Bow in 2005 but will be standing in Poplar and Limehouse at the next election.
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