Will you be updating your software to Vista?

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Will you be updating your software to Vista?
Yes right away
 0%  [ 0 ]
Eventually, no rush
 18%  [ 2 ]
No I'm happy with XP
 81%  [ 9 ]
I don't use Windows
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 11

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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:10 am    Post subject: Will you be updating your software to Vista? Reply with quote

I won't be touching it for another year atleast, or maybe never although I will be testing out one version a friend made on my other pc. I'd not use it as a primary OS because there's too many incompatibilities, and the last version I tested wouldn't accept the majority of the software I use.

The biggest worry I have about Vista is its DRM capabilities. It's meant to be aimed at protecting the rights of content owners by placing limits on how we use digital media, but I see it being a lot more intrusive than that. I'm sure it will effect software usage and possibly hardware as well, and could end up being one big key stroker that will allow a lot of what use and do online to become privy to people we might not want it to.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gates: Vista all about the 'Wow'

NEW YORK (AP) -- "Wow" hasn't tended to be a big part of Bill Gates' vocabulary, but to hear him speak in the hours before Microsoft Corp.'s planned launch of the long-awaited Vista operating system, you'd never know it.

"This 'Wow' thing is a great way of describing what we've got here," Microsoft's chairman told The Associated Press on Monday as the software maker scheduled a slate of splashy events in New York. "There are chances for wows all over the product."

More than five years in the making, Vista was released for business customers November 30, but the new Windows operating system's unveiling for consumer buyers was scheduled for Tuesday around the world.

In Tokyo, about 80 people lined up at the Bic Camera Department Store to become among the world's first consumers to own Vista. Celebrities and executives were on hand as a large-screen television set displayed a countdown to the midnight launch (10 a.m. ET).

The second person on line, Fumihiko Koyama, 33, waited three hours and was hoping the new operating system will make his work in Web design easier.

"My expectations are very high for Vista," he said. "I want to try it out because it's new."

He said he felt compelled to be among the first Vista owners because of the parties Bic and other major retailers were holding.

The Redmond, Washington-based software maker contends that Vista is such a huge improvement over previous computing platforms that users inevitably say "Wow" when they see it -- and so the word plays a big role in the company's marketing campaign.

When users boot up Vista for the first time, they'll be wowed by the slick 3-D graphical user interface and document icons that give at-a-glance previews, Gates said.

The next wow comes when they start using a system-wide search program that Microsoft's engineers built into both the operating system and new versions of Microsoft Word, Excel and other Office 2007 elements, which also hit store shelves at midnight.

Then, Gates said, there are layers of wows for all the different types of PC users: the gamers, the students, the business users, the moms.

But will this talk of "wow" translate into crowds at the CompUSA and Best Buy stores that are staying open until past midnight to sell the very first Vista machines?

"When I look at Windows Vista, I see a technology that is interesting, that is relevant, but to some extent is evolutionary," said Al Gillen, an analyst at the technology research group IDC. "I do not believe it will create a lot of motivation for people to rush out and get a new operating system."

Gates said Microsoft actually wasn't pushing midnight sales events -- after all, the software will be available as a download over the Web for the first time. (Full story)

And while the software is prettier and more secure, "the biggest impact is always what partners do with it," Gates said in an interview.

Still, Gates didn't play down Vista's importance. He argued that as the PC has morphed from a souped-up typewriter to a networked entertainment center, personal media library and gateway to the Internet, the operating system itself has earned a higher profile.

"When people think about their PC, they think about Windows even more than who the manufacturer is. That determines how it looks, how you navigate, what the applications are that are available," Gates said.

And in this case, Vista has folded in programs that users once bought separately -- including automated back-up systems and some spyware protections.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:06 am    Post subject: Re: Will you be updating your software to Vista? Reply with quote

IRiSHMaFIA wrote:
I won't be touching it for another year atleast, or maybe never although I will be testing out one version a friend made on my other pc. I'd not use it as a primary OS because there's too many incompatibilities, and the last version I tested wouldn't accept the majority of the software I use.

The biggest worry I have about Vista is its DRM capabilities. It's meant to be aimed at protecting the rights of content owners by placing limits on how we use digital media, but I see it being a lot more intrusive than that. I'm sure it will effect software usage and possibly hardware as well, and could end up being one big key stroker that will allow a lot of what use and do online to become privy to people we might not want it to.

This DRM stuff has been a concern to me and I'm only fairly new to this stuff (still don't completely understand it all)....... I've been fairly happy with Windows XP so can't see myself switching unless I get a new computer and that's what it comes with. This whole privacy things really concerns me and althought I know nothing about Vista (other that what I've read here) my instincts say not to switch.

I'm actually very tempted to get a Mac for my next computer.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:15 am    Post subject: Re: Will you be updating your software to Vista? Reply with quote

eefanincan wrote:
IRiSHMaFIA wrote:
I won't be touching it for another year atleast, or maybe never although I will be testing out one version a friend made on my other pc. I'd not use it as a primary OS because there's too many incompatibilities, and the last version I tested wouldn't accept the majority of the software I use.

The biggest worry I have about Vista is its DRM capabilities. It's meant to be aimed at protecting the rights of content owners by placing limits on how we use digital media, but I see it being a lot more intrusive than that. I'm sure it will effect software usage and possibly hardware as well, and could end up being one big key stroker that will allow a lot of what use and do online to become privy to people we might not want it to.

This DRM stuff has been a concern to me and I'm only fairly new to this stuff (still don't completely understand it all)....... I've been fairly happy with Windows XP so can't see myself switching unless I get a new computer and that's what it comes with. This whole privacy things really concerns me and althought I know nothing about Vista (other that what I've read here) my instincts say not to switch.

I'm actually very tempted to get a Mac for my next computer.

A friend of mine went from using windows for ages to using a Mac. He said it was the best switch he ever made and never has any problems.

I've been tempted myself to switch, but software comes into play and I know a lot of what I use isn't compatible.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been using Vista in it's various stages for about 18 months now as an official beta tester.
(Longer if you count Longhorn which Vista realy is / was).

I tested it in both 32 & 64 bit flavors & in basic & ultimate too....

I have 64 & 32bit as part of multiple boot on 2 machines still & I can assure you that it's a great OS just as long as you have a fairly recent PC.

I have had no problems with the DRM, anything I have on those machines have been 100% pirated (Ohhh so naughty huh).

The only problems I have had come from a lack of drivers for some older PC cards & a few older USB connected items.

The one thing that did piss me off was the new DX10 (which isn't anything to do with the DX family except by name) is not backwards compat'... So anything graphics wise & most sound is 'software emulated' to & from DX9 to DX10 & thus gives a slight performance hit when playing games etc...

Pop along to the M$ vista website, run the freebie test & if your PC passes the test, it's worth the upgrade or full install of Vista.
A full install rather than upgrading XP is always best BTW.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well, as an official Desktop Support Technician (woohoo eh) I recommend that no one touches this with a barge-pole until the people who are doing the testing for M$ (for free I might add!) are finished and it receives at least it's first service pack update.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I run Ubunto 6.10, while dual-booting into XP when I need to run some graphics apps. My next PC purchase will be a Mac. I love Ubuntu but I find the lack of proper hardware support (Palm TX, iPod, HP Laser Printer, etc.) disappointing.

As for Vista, this article sort of sums up my feelings:

The original link: Why Vista Makes me Sad

And here is the full text:

Vista makes me sad

Five years for a chrome-plated turd

By Charlie Demerjian: Tuesday 30 January 2007, 10:06

VISTA WILL LAUNCH today with fanfare, parties, hypocrisy, hollow promises and tame reviews. For me, it is something different, it makes me sad.

MS will tell you that Vista is the next great thing in every way, it took billions of dollars to develop, millions of man-hours, and undoubtedly will be the best selling OS ever launched. The problem is that Vista brings almost nothing to the table that can't be described by as three year old as "shiny".

Let's look at it this way, ask yourself what good new features Vista brings to the table. Most will respond that it has Aero Glass, a really pretty UI. How may other things does it bring that are positives? I can't honestly think of one, and I'll bet if you ask the next ten people you run into, they won't be able to tell you any either.

Repeat the same exercise in the negative, what bad new things does Vista bring? Massive crushing DRM infections, unacceptable licence terms, bloated hardware requirements, and a list of cut features long enough to paper your bathroom. To be fair, the next ten people you ask probably won't know that part either.*

So the fanfare will happen, people will swoon for all they are bribed to swoon for, the tech journalist community is too heavily dependent on MS marketing dollars to say anything more than a tepid condemnation, and the expected show will go on. It will be spun as a huge success, and the MS monopoly will roll on.

As I said before, to me this is a sad thing. Why? MS, possibly the richest most powerful and recognised company on the planet gave us Vista. They can buy governments to quash lawsuits, bend large companies with a mere audit, and co-opt technologies with the writ of a lawyer, and all we get is a shiny UI?

If this is all the billions, man-hours and years brought, what was the point? We get a bloated, DRM infected rights removal tool that advances the state of the art to where Apple was the better part of a decade ago, and we are supposed to call this progress? Puh-leeze.

MS is in a rut. The firm has cowered, co-opted or bought all the critics, and any message coming out of the press will be well scripted. Possibly the last big OS ever made is going to be a chrome plated turd, no one has the guts to say it, everyone will pretend it is great because everyone pretends it is great.

Vista could have been innovative instead of warmed over. Vista could have defended our rights instead of raping them. Vista could have been lean and mean instead of bloated and DRM slowed. Vista could have brought new ways of doing things instead of the same old same old. Vista could have been cheaper instead of a stealth price increase. Vista could have pioneered new ways of letting us use computers instead of activated tethers and licence problems. Vista could have been compatible and advanced standards instead of breaking software in the name of locking you in.

Guess what?

See why I am sad?**

I think we would have been better off if MS packed it in and spent the money on the moon shot they are so fond of making comparisons too. We would have gotten shiny there also, without the handcuffs, and we would not have had to lie to our office mates about how much we love it. Are you sad now too? µ

* If anyone does actually do this, please keep track and tell me what people say, I really want to know.

** I had Vista Beta 2 on my laptop and I was thoroughly unimpressed. I put RC2 on the 4x4 I have here, and was thoroughly unimpressed. I read the licence for release and got very scared. Until MS puts out a version that does not require activation and will never phone home without my express consent, I won't be impressed by the release version.
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Gone To The Dogs!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just wanted to say thanks for all of the opinions and info on Vista. I'm starting more and more to think about buying a Mac for my next home PC. But until I have enough dosh, I reckon I'll wait a bit until, as face said, a service pack/updates/bug fixes, etc. have been released.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Will you be updating your software to Vista? Reply with quote

eefanincan wrote:
I've been fairly happy with Windows XP so can't see myself switching unless I get a new computer and that's what it comes with.

That is where I'm at. I have no real need to spend the money to upgrade to keep up with the Jones' so to say. XP does what I need it to do.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Irish and waiting till they work all the bugs out.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

faceless wrote:
well, as an official Desktop Support Technician (woohoo eh) I recommend that no one touches this with a barge-pole until the people who are doing the testing for M$ (for free I might add!) are finished and it receives at least it's first service pack update.

As you well know, I'm not all that good with the technical side of computers, but I do think this is a sound idea as there's bound to be bugs in any new software.

And the fact that the advice comes from an offical "Desktop Support Technician" is good Smile
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