Kucinich introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:22 pm    Post subject: Kucinich introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment against Bush Reply with quote

Rep. Kucinich introduces Bush impeachment resolution

WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential contender, said Monday he wants the House to consider a resolution to impeach President Bush.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi consistently has said impeachment was "off the table."

Kucinich, D-Ohio, read his proposed impeachment language in a floor speech. He contended Bush deceived the nation and violated his oath of office in leading the country into the Iraq war.

Kucinich introduced a resolution last year to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. That resolution was killed, but only after Republicans initially voted in favor of taking up the measure to force a debate.

Kucinich won 50 percent of the vote in a five-way House Democratic primary in March, beating back critics who said he ignored business at home to travel the country in his quest to be president.

(Source: Rep. Kucinich introduces Bush impeachment resolution (c) 2008, Associated Press.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich Introduced 35 Articles of Impeachment Against President Bush on Monday Night

Congressman Kucinich has laid out an extensive indictment of the president. Here is the index of article titles:

Article I
Creating a Secret Propaganda Campaign to Manufacture a False Case for War Against Iraq

Article II
Falsely, Systematically, and with Criminal Intent Conflating the Attacks of September 11, 2001, With Misrepresentation of Iraq as a Security Threat as Part of Fraudulent Justification for a War of Aggression

Article III
Misleading the American People and Members of Congress to Believe Iraq Possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, to Manufacture a False Case for War

Article IV
Misleading the American People and Members of Congress to Believe Iraq Posed an Imminent Threat to the United States

Article V
Illegally Misspending Funds to Secretly Begin a War of Aggression

Article VI
Invading Iraq in Violation of the Requirements of HJRes114

Article VII
Invading Iraq Absent a Declaration of War.

Article VIII
Invading Iraq, A Sovereign Nation, in Violation of the UN Charter

Article IX
Failing to Provide Troops With Body Armor and Vehicle Armor

Article X
Falsifying Accounts of US Troop Deaths and Injuries for Political Purposes

Article XI
Establishment of Permanent U.S. Military Bases in Iraq

Article XII
Initiating a War Against Iraq for Control of That Nation's Natural Resources

Article XIIII
Creating a Secret Task Force to Develop Energy and Military Policies With Respect to Iraq and Other Countries

Article XIV
Misprision of a Felony, Misuse and Exposure of Classified Information And Obstruction of Justice in the Matter of Valerie Plame Wilson, Clandestine Agent of the Central Intelligence Agency

Article XV
Providing Immunity from Prosecution for Criminal Contractors in Iraq

Article XVI
Reckless Misspending and Waste of U.S. Tax Dollars in Connection With Iraq and US Contractors

Article XVII
Illegal Detention: Detaining Indefinitely And Without Charge Persons Both U.S. Citizens and Foreign Captives

Article XVIII
Torture: Secretly Authorizing, and Encouraging the Use of Torture Against Captives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Other Places, as a Matter of Official Policy

Article XIX
Rendition: Kidnapping People and Taking Them Against Their Will to "Black Sites" Located in Other Nations, Including Nations Known to Practice Torture

Article XX
Imprisoning Children

Article XXI
Misleading Congress and the American People About Threats from Iran, and Supporting Terrorist Organizations Within Iran, With the Goal of Overthrowing the Iranian Government

Article XXII
Creating Secret Laws

Article XXIII
Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act

Article XXIV
Spying on American Citizens, Without a Court-Ordered Warrant, in Violation of the Law and the Fourth Amendment

Article XXV
Directing Telecommunications Companies to Create an Illegal and Unconstitutional Database of the Private Telephone Numbers and Emails of American Citizens

Article XXVI
Announcing the Intent to Violate Laws with Signing Statements

Article XXVII
Failing to Comply with Congressional Subpoenas and Instructing Former Employees Not to Comply

Article XXVIII
Tampering with Free and Fair Elections, Corruption of the Administration of Justice

Article XXIX
Conspiracy to Violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Article XXX
Misleading Congress and the American People in an Attempt to Destroy Medicare

Article XXXI
Katrina: Failure to Plan for the Predicted Disaster of Hurricane Katrina, Failure to Respond to a Civil Emergency

Article XXXII
Misleading Congress and the American People, Systematically Undermining Efforts to Address Global Climate Change

Article XXXIII
Repeatedly Ignored and Failed to Respond to High Level Intelligence Warnings of Planned Terrorist Attacks in the US, Prior to 911.

Article XXXIV
Obstruction of the Investigation into the Attacks of September 11, 2001

Article XXXV
Endangering the Health of 911 First Responders
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's some list. I wonder if it could be the case that he could be impeached on each charge separately?
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'Native New Yorker'

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another wacky liberal with BDS syndrome...what's new...lol!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A wacky liberal who was elected by Americans to be their representative... insulting him is insulting the ideals of Democracy! so nyer! haha
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

do you think all 35 are 'wacky' pirty, or are there some on the list that you think should be investigated?

do you think kucinich or anyone doing something like this is good or bad for american democracy and accountability of elected representatives?

i'm not trying to start an argument or anything with you, i'm just interested in your views Smile

i had to look up this bds thing;

Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) is a political term coined by the American conservative[1] political columnist Charles Krauthammer in a 2003 column.[2] The term has been used in newspaper columns and editorials, on talk radio, by commentators in the mainstream press, including The Washington Post[3], The New York Times,[4] and Fox News Channel,[5] and in the conservative and liberal blogosphere.[6][7][8]

Meaning of term

The term BDS has been used in the political arena to describe a purported hatred by some American liberals of President George W. Bush and his policies.[9][10] This supposedly leads to reflexive opposition to any position advocated by Bush for no other reason than that Bush happens to be advocating it.[11]

Krauthammer defined BDS as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush".[2][12] While Krauthammer's column was somewhat tongue-in-cheek (eg., "What is worrying epidemiologists about the Dean incident, however, is that heretofore no case had been reported in Vermont, or any other dairy state"), the term indicates a belief that some extreme criticisms of President Bush are of emotional origins rather than based on facts or logic.

Pundit Andrew Sullivan has reversed the intended meaning, suggesting that the real derangement is in the minds of Bush's supporters.

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Pitch Queen

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My only complaint is he is a little late! We are almost rid of W now...
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's a related story - I wasn't aware that Bush had put an injunction on talk about this corruption...
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pirtybirdy wrote:
Another wacky liberal with BDS syndrome...what's new...lol!

Why do you NEVER offer a counter-argument? Even a complete retard can skim-read the above article and dismiss it without giving reasons. I hope you're able to prove you don't fit that description.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

SpursFan1902 wrote:
My only complaint is he is a little late! We are almost rid of W now...

i understand your point, but if its done now or in ten years time - bush needs be held accountable, same as blair, for the crimes they've committed

i think kucinich did try to do this before but was unsuccessful

nekokate wrote:
Why do you NEVER offer a counter-argument? Even a complete retard can skim-read the above article and dismiss it without giving reasons. I hope you're able to prove you don't fit that description.

i don't think pirtys a retard! i am trying to understand where she comes from, but its kinda difficult because she won' really engage - but i think she thinks like that because of where she gets her info - most of this will never enter the mainstream. shes kinda reacting like a fox host would react - to them this kinda stuff is like talking about aliens - its just out there, its not something within the normal spectrum of debate - it sounds crazy. war crimes?! bush is our dear leader, what you on about war crimes?! saddam was the next hitler don't you know wink

but if pirty understood international law, what happened at the nuremberg trials and why, what a war of aggression constitutes etc, how evidence was manipulated to build a case for war against iraq, how the public was purposefully led by the administration to connect 9/11 with iraq and iraq with bin laden, if she understood the economic and strategic reason for wars and could see beyond the bogeyman - she might feel differently, but this kinda stuff just doesn't enter the debate.

so i don't blame pirty for thinking like she does. but i'd love to know how she comes to the conclusions shes does. i've said before, but maybes shes right and i'm wrong.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Suspicious" web crash after Kucinich moves to impeach Bush

Hours after Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, introduced articles of impeachment against President Bush, his campaign says his website "was shut down by a series of suspicious and fast moving events."

Kucinich said he was getting an "overwhelmingly positive and powerful" response to his proposed impeachment when some uknown or unseen force stopped his effort to get out more information.

"Kucinich website managers and staff were beginning to post detailed information about the articles (of impeachment) and related news stories on the website early this morning when they noticed irregularities, possibly external tampering, with various private and protected codes used to format information and to create links to photos, videos and external websites," the campaign said.

"The problems struck at a time when the website was receiving an estimated 100,000-plus hits per hour from visitors seeking additional information about the articles of impeachment. That volume should have been manageable, campaign officials said."

While the Kucinich camp worked to fix the site, the proposed impeachment language was available at http://www.democrats.com/files/amomentoftruth.pdf
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

luke wrote:
i don't think pirtys a retard!

Hey, I never said that.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nekokate wrote:
Hey, I never said that.

i know that, i just wanted to make double sure pirty knew - i'm trying to encourage her with niceness to engage, but i don't think shes having any of it Sad

( come on pirty ... flower4u )
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Pitch Queen

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

luke wrote:
SpursFan1902 wrote:
My only complaint is he is a little late! We are almost rid of W now...

i understand your point, but if its done now or in ten years time - bush needs be held accountable, same as blair, for the crimes they've committed

i think kucinich did try to do this before but was unsuccessful

I totally agree, he needs to be held accountable. I just wish we had started holding him accountable before the list of stupid actions had gotten so long. I hold myself responsible to some extent because while I didn't vote for him, once he took office and started blundering all over the world, I didn't do anything...I didn't write to anhyone, I didn't take any kind of action at all. I just bitched. Next time there is a President I don't like the actions of, I will do something more than bitch.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

SpursFan1902 wrote:
I totally agree, he needs to be held accountable. I just wish we had started holding him accountable before the list of stupid actions had gotten so long.

this is why i go on about the media so much, its because of them that he's managed to get away with a lot of what he has, and to an extent maybe why pirty thinks the way she does. i read an interesting article the other day on the subject of the media Tales From Inside the Editorial Board Room where she talks about the restrictions on what could be raised in the media in the build to to the iraq war - and this is in a so called 'liberal' paper

SpursFan1902 wrote:
I hold myself responsible to some extent because while I didn't vote for him, once he took office and started blundering all over the world, I didn't do anything...I didn't write to anhyone, I didn't take any kind of action at all. I just bitched. Next time there is a President I don't like the actions of, I will do something more than bitch.

no need to wait, with bush itching to attack iran ...
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Impeach Bush, Wexler says

U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler signed on today to Articles of Impeachment for President Bush. He called it "a sworn duty" of Congress to act against the president.

"President Bush deliberately created a massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the American people and the charges detailed in this impeachment resolution indicate an unprecedented abuse of executive power," Wexler said in a statement.

"A decision by Congress to pursue impeachment is not an option, it is a sworn duty. It is time for Congress to stand up and defend the Constitution against the blatant violations and illegalities of this Administration. Our Founding Fathers bestowed upon Congress the power of impeachment, and it is now time that we use it to defend the rule of law from this corrupt Administration."

The Democratic congressman represents central and northern Broward.

Wexler, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, was one of former President Bill Clinton's staunchest defenders when the Republican-controlled House attempted to impeach the then-Democratic president.

Besides signing on to the call for Bush's impeachment, Wexler is the leader of an effort to hold impeachment hearings for Vice President Dick Cheney.

The articles, sponsored by U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, make several charges against the president:

- Creation of a massive propaganda campaign to mislead the nation into war with Iraq,

- Illegal use of torture during interrogation, the authorization of a warrantless wiretapping program on American citizens.

- Repetitive use of signing statements attached to bills he signs to negate the very same legislation passed by Congress.
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