Galloway knocked-out

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:45 pm    Post subject: Galloway knocked-out Reply with quote

Galloway is knocked out

FIREBRAND MP George Galloway was knocked out cold today after a rubber stress ball was hurled at him from an office building. The ex-Celebrity Big Brother contestant, 53, was campaigning in an open-top battle bus when he was attacked by the flying object which resembled a cricket ball. Eyewitnesses said he ducked to avoid the ball - and banged his head heavily on the side of the bus. Police later arrested an angry man employed at a first-floor market research firm in Holborn, Central London.

Witnesses say dazed Galloway, who represents the Respect Party in Bethnal Green and Bow, collapsed to the floor of the double-decker. He had to be treated at the scene by paramedics. The incident is the most serious assault faced by a politician on any election trail.

Galloway’s spokesman Kevin Ovenden said: "George is shocked by what happened. The ball was thrown from the first floor and hit him on the left temple. It was a direct hit. He collapsed to one side, was dazed for some time. He has a bruise coming up but didn’t go to hospital. He can’t believe this has happened in the middle of Holborn not some no-go area. The whole point of the open top bus was so that George could get back to old fashion politics". Mr Ovenden added that the boss of the market research company was very apologetic following the arrest of his employee.

Scotland Yard: "We were called at 14.20 to reports a man had been injured on an open top bus in Procter Street and Red Lion Square in Holborn. At this stage it is believed that object was thrown from an office block window towards the bus. A man on the upper deck is believed to have ducked to avoid the object, fallen and hit his head. The man was momentarily knocked out but regained consciousness. The man in his 50s declined hospital treatment."

A pal of the man in the office said the attack was a "spur of the moment" thing and had happened in a flash.


A spur of the moment thing to throw something that big at someone? If that's the case then he should be in jail! The fucking twat.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have you read the full Sun story? What a load of shite.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That was the full Sun story when I posted it... I see they've edited it to now pretty much justify the attack. Power of the media eh? I tuned into BBC1 London news at 6:30 and there was no mention of it...

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yea, I was referring to

"The drama was witnessed by Richard Barden, 27, from Sidcup, Kent, who works on a lower level in the same building.

He said: “I heard Galloway’s bus from my desk and had a look out my window.

“He was on the top deck acting like lord of the manor..."


After emerging from the ambulance Galloway - hated for his support of hanged tyrant Saddam Hussein - rejoined his bus and began ranting again.

I can't believe people actually buy that fucking newspaper. Bunch of utter semi-literate twats. Acting like Lord of the Manor? How?? Was he shouting down "I'M BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU! BWAHAHAHA!!" or was he just campaigning, as is his right?

Their agenda is a joke. I love how they have to interject to place reminders of what their readers' opinion should be, too. "Galloway - who you hate, remember? hate because you're a proper stand up geezer, yeah? - rejoined his bus... etc"

Complete utter wankers.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's the BBC report. They didn't mention big Brother or Saddam Hussein - maybe they'll edit those bits in later...

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yea, the BBC report seems more like it. The Sun are saying "knocked out" like someone floored him, when it seems more like a light object was thrown at him and he twatted his head trying to avoid it, and was simply a bit disoriented. Not like he was laid out for the count.

If he has a really good bruise it might win him more votes on the "nothing will stop me" ticket Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see that even though this story is the second most read article on the BBC website at the moment, there isn't a single mention of it on the main page...

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Galloway suffers the slings and arrows as he is hit by 'stress ball'
By Sadie Gray
Wednesday, 23 April 2008

The latest bizarre episode in the life of George Galloway happened in public yesterday, when a rubber "stress ball" flung from an office window scored a direct hit on the MP as he campaigned in central London. Mr Galloway, who is standing for a seat in the London Assembly, was on the upper deck of his open-topped battle bus when the missile caught him on the temple, leaving him dazed and bruised.

The ball was believed to have been thrown from the third-floor window of a block on Theobalds Road, Holborn. The police were called and a man was arrested. Scotland Yard said he was being held in custody last night. Mr Galloway, who has survived expulsion from the Labour Party over his comments on the Iraq war as well as an appearance on Celebrity Big Brother, where he famously pretended to be a cat while wearing a leotard, resumed campaigning after a cup of tea.

Today he is to tour Kingston, Wandsworth and Tooting. Mr Galloway's campaign organisers are said to see yesterday afternoon's incident as a potentially dangerous prank but to have little desire to pursue charges against the alleged perpetrator. The Sun newspaper's website quoted a friend of the arrested man who said it had been a "spur of the moment" act.

Mr Galloway said: "It was, of course, a shock. I have been out campaigning for the past two and a half weeks in the battle bus, and nothing like this has happened. We have had an extremely good response from voters and I certainly won't let this deter me from campaigning every day between now and the close of polls for the London Assembly on Thursday next week."

An aide, Kevin Ovenden, who was with Mr Galloway when he was hit, said: "George was on the top of his campaign bus with a dozen people including two very small children, up at the front with a microphone. He was hit on the left side of his head and was momentarily dazed. Because of the impact of the blow, he lost his balance and hit the other side of his head on the side of the bus. We stopped the bus and called the police." Mr Ovenden described the missile as hard, hollow and slightly smaller than a tennis ball, and said it left Mr Galloway with a "nasty bruise" on the side of his head.

Mr Galloway, 53, has been the Respect Party MP for Bethnal Green and Bow since ousting the Labour MP Oona King in the 2005 general election. Always a controversial figure – he marched alongside Gerry Adams to campaign against British policy in Ireland – Mr Galloway had, throughout the 1990s, argued vociferously for overturning sanctions against Saddam Hussein's regime, and he also visited the dictator in Iraq.

He was expelled from the Labour Party in October 2003 after expressing views that the party chairman, Ian McCartney, said "incited foreign forces to rise up against British troops". He also accused Tony Blair and US President George Bush of acting "like wolves" over Iraq.

Mr Galloway then helped found the anti-war party Respect in 2004. In December that year, he was awarded £150,000 in libel damages from The Daily Telegraph after suing the paper over articles which claimed he had received payments from Saddam Hussein's regime. He denied ever seeking or receiving money from the Iraqi government, and said he had long opposed it.

On his website, he says of his local election campaign: "The Assembly is meant to be London's government but virtually no one has ever heard of anybody on it. I want to change that."


If they're going to mention it they could at least get the cat/leotard incident on Big Brother right...
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

faceless wrote:
If they're going to mention it they could at least get the cat/leotard incident on Big Brother right...

Haha! Yes. Because the truth is even more embarrassing. When he was wearing a leotard he was performing an interpretive dance as a confused robot attempting to beckon a small dog, if memory serves...

There's no shame in it - we've all been there.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Positive iD for Galloway Pelter April 23 2008

Tim Heald, Commercial Director at London panels firm The iD Factor has admitted throwing a foam ‘stress ball’ at Respect MP George Galloway yesterday as he harangued the public through a megaphone on his open-top election bus. Heald spoke to police and was released with an official caution.

The ball was thrown from a window at the firm’s Holborn office. A Respect party spokesman said Galloway, former Celebrity Big Brother contestant and MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, was briefly dazed when the ball struck him on the temple, after which he spent 20 minutes having treatment in an ambulance before returning to the ‘battle bus’ to resume his campaign for a seat on the London Assembly.

‘There is a nasty bruise on the side of George’s head’, explained the Respect adviser. ‘Because of the impact of the blow, he lost his balance and hit the other side of his head on the side of the bus.’ Witnesses quoted in the Sun newspaper gave a slightly different slant, saying Galloway banged his head while ducking to avoid the ball.

An iD Factor colleague said that Galloway had been going past on his bus every day ‘making a racket’, and this may have prompted Heald’s actions. Galloway, expelled from the Labour Party in 2003 for ‘bringing the party into disrepute’ following a long campaign against the Iraq War, has navigated through many accusations of sleaze concerning his financial dealings, slammed US politicians in an appearance before accusers in the senate, won £150,000 in damages from the Daily Telegraph, and been ridiculed for appearing in a leotard and pretending to be a cat on Celebrity Big Brother. Unsurprisingly therefore, he says the latest incident will not deter him from campaigning. He is, however, consulting his lawyers to consider taking action against the iD Factor.

Heald, who joined the iD Factor a year ago, is son of Conservative Party pollster Gordon Heald, Chairman of the Opinion Research Business and former leader of Gallup. Tim Heald was unavailable for comment when DRNO attempted to contact him earlier.

The British tradition of registering distaste at the views or performance style of public speakers through the jettison of relatively harmless objects is well-established, recent examples including purple dye thrown at the front bench in the House of Commons in May 2004 and the egg targeted at then Deputy PM John Prescott in 2001. Galloway may consider himself fortunate to have been out of costume on this occasion and thereby avoided the customary bucket of water reserved for noisy felines.

Web sites are at and – the latter invites viewers to ‘Join George Galloway on the Respect election bus’ and sets out the week’s itinerary. Foam articles of - arguably - a more appropriate nature are on sale at .


It's obvious that 'DRNO' is basically congratulating this tory twat Heald, but I wonder if he's aware that giving out the guy's name has left him open to possible reprisals? That's hardly good quality market-research!

On looking for info about Heald it seems pretty clear that he's the kind of prick who's never stood on his own two feet and has relied completely on his rich daddy to get on. What a hero...

I couldn't find a pic of Tory Twat Tim, but here's a pic of his dad.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Galloway's street fight
MAVERICK MP George Galloway was at the centre of an assault probe last night after allegedly shoving a protester. Witnesses claimed the firebrand, 53, flipped when a man yelled: “I salute your indefatigability — you w****r.”

Galloway, who famously hailed the “indefatigability” of Iraqi despot Saddam Hussein, flew down the stairs of his open-top campaign bus to confront the heckler. He is said to have pushed him in the chest before being led away by Respect party aides. The alleged victim, an office worker in his 20s, made a formal complaint to cops, who are investigating.

The incident happened in Westminster as Galloway campaigned for next week’s local elections. Amazed Andy Lamb, 37, who witnessed yesterday’s apparent bust-up, said: “Galloway was outside the Ministry of Justice and he just lost it. It was incredible. The guy who shouted was clearly mocking Galloway, who didn’t like it one little bit. Galloway yelled, ‘Come up here and say that, big man’.

The guy yelled back and said he was happy to go up on the bus and talk to him. Within seconds Galloway stormed downstairs and confronted him. He pushed him in the chest — he was really angry. The man went and gave a statement to a couple of police officers —and I did too. He complained that Galloway had assaulted him.”

Last night the MP’s spokesman Kevin Ovenden insisted: “Mr Galloway didn’t assault anyone. We will await contact from the police.” cotland Yard said: “At approximately 2pm a man approached a police officer alleging he had been assaulted by another man. There have been no arrests and our inquiries continue.”


I've no idea how much of this is true as it comes from the shitty 'Sun', but go on George! What a cowardly little turd the guy was who shouted - he obviously shat himself when Galloway came at him and went crying to the cops. hahaha
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's a short clip of Galloway on Sky News after the incident.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha. Banker... with a B.

There was a whole wunch of them egging him on, too.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

haha good one
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