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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BBC to vet BNP Question Time audience for anti-fascists

Audience members for the Question Time edition featuring BNP chief Nick Griffin are being rigorously' vetted by BBC producers to weed out likely anti-fascist demonstrators, it was confirmed today.

BBC bosses fear protesters could disrupt the recording of the programme, due to take place at the Wood Lane studios on 22 October.

As well as filling out the normal detailed questionnaire, applicants to become audience members will also be checked for membership or involvement in organisations such as United Against Facism. Many are likely to be questioned personally and be asked to prove their identities on the door.

United Against Facism, which is planning a mass blockade of the BBC studios on the day, has also urged its supporters to apply to join the audience, putting a link on its website to the audience application form.

The Corporation has confirmed that it is working closely with the Metropolitan Police and Hammersmith and Fulham council to keep a lid on the protests.

The council is concerned at the potential for disruption to local people and has asked the BBC to pay for extra policing, which the Corporation has rejected.

Today, the BBC said it would not discuss security issues ahead of the programme, which will also feature justice minister Jack Straw and black writer and academic Bonnie Greer.

But a Corporation insider said: "Question Time has been going for many years and they have very tried and tested procedures for weeding out potential troublemakers which for obvious reasons cannot be aired publicly.

"But it is a very rigorous process. Because it is a programme which has featured cabinet ministers and others for whom security is an important consideration, the people involved in producing the programme are extremely aware of what needs to be done to make sure there is no danger or disruption from the audience."

Before being accepted, audience applicants are asked what political party they support, whether they back the leader of that party and their views on issues such as the Iraq war and Europe.

Scotland Yard intelligence officers are also likely to be closely monitoring the demonstrators in order to head off any planned disruption.

Corporation sources have dismissed suggestions that the recording could be brought forward to avoid the protests, which are due to begin with a picket line at 9am on the day. Similar protests are planned at other BBC studios around the country.

Question Time is normally recorded live at 8.30 pm, two hours before transmission, which also allows any disruption or interruptions to be edited out.

The possibility of moving the recording to another location has been considered and although ruled out at the moment, BBC sources have stressed the security situation is being monitored on a daily basis.

The source added: "What would be the point of moving it elsewhere when the Metropolitan Police has extensive experience of dealing with protests in London generally and outside the BBC in particular, where there are demonstrations over something almost every week. At the same time, the studios as Wood Lane are themselves a fairly secure environment, which is one of the reasons why the programme is being recorded there in the first place."

Most editions of the programme are recorded in public or significant buildings around the country, which would be less secure.

It was also pointed out that given the large public involvement, shifting the programme to another studio at the last minute was a difficult proposition - and moving it sooner increased the likelyhood of the new location being leaked.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Inside view on the BNP
Black and Asian people refused entry
15 October 2009

BURLY security staff in heavy, black coats guard the door while police pace outside the Frank Townend Centre in Cleveleys.
It's not the usual midweek sight outside the Beach Road community centre where children go for dance classes and ladies meet for art and craft sessions. ut it's not every night the BNP holds a rally in the quaint seaside town. And it's certainly not often the press get invited to see what goes on behind those well guarded doors.

So when Clive Jefferson, North West BNP regional organiser, ushered me into their meeting room, I was quite taken aback. Going inside, I pass a passionate group of anti-fascist protesters waving placards and shouting. One protester, Jane from Blackpool Trades Union Council told me: "We will fight wherever the BNP stand. If we stand together, we will oppose them quicker." Then there's an army of bouncers, wearing BNP badges, to negotiate.

I join around 40 people – BNP members and invitees – who have turned up to listen to the party's policies and their plans to form a branch in Wyre. Stood in front of a large banner proclaiming "British jobs for British workers" with a Union Jack flag beside him Mr Jefferson said: "We are a legitimate party, we have a right to hold a meeting here. We want British jobs for British workers. We want the troops out of Iraq."

The audience – a few women but mainly men in their 50s and 60s – burst into applause. But what about their ideas for Cleveleys? James Clayton, candidate for next week's Jubilee ward by-election, said: "The major problems are anti-social behaviour and drug use in Cleveleys, needles being found on the Promenade, mess in the roads, grass cuttings and street lighting.

"A lot of people have shown interest in our party and this is our chance to show ourselves for who we are, which isn't the skinhead or thugs and yob image." One member offers me a drink as he says: "We're not intimidating are we? We get a lot of bad press but we're not thugs."

But I don't like what I hear next as around six people put their hands up to request an application form to become a BNP member. One convert shouts: "I'll have an application form, but not a coloured one!" It was greeted with laughter by most in the audience, and was a deeply unpleasant reminder of where I was. I had a distinctly uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

While inside the building the recruitment drive was in full flow, it was a different story outside as four people got turned away. All were either black or Asian. There were no members of the ethnic minorities inside. As I left a security guard told me: "After a while it was getting full up so we decided it had to be members only." Strange that, as I was given a seat all to myself and I'm not a member. And I swear there was plenty of space.

Madhvi Chabba-Moudgil, 35, from St Annes, was one of those turned away, along with partner Vishal Moudgil and brother SK Chabba. She said: "Allowing a party that only allows certain people to join only goes towards a breakdown of relationships between all sections of the community and further leads to spoil the good work of people who work towards integration and good relations between different communities and classes of society. In this day and age, for a society of this kind to require police presence at a community centre, is a very sad statement in humanity. What hope is there for integration of society?"

Stephen Howard, 32, who is black and from Cleveleys, who was also turned away, said: "When I asked why, they said: 'what does BNP stand for?'" The refusals put Bernie Naughton off from going inside. The 42-year-old from Poulton said: "I came down to hear their opinions but then I saw they were not letting Stephen in I changed my mind."

Around seven police officers were outside to make sure the rally and protest passed off peacefully. Supt Richard Spedding said officers would be looking into the circumstances surrounding people being refused entry. He then praised protesters, including those from Unite Against Fascism, Lancaster Unity and Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Trades Union Council, for how they behaved during their demonstration.

Anti-fascist campaigners are planning a protest in London against the BNP leader's presence on BBC One's Question Time on October 22. Black writer Bonnie Greer will take part in a televised debate with far right party leader Nick Griffin. They will be joined by Justice Secretary Jack Straw – the first senior Labour politician to say that he was willing to appear on the show with Mr Griffin.

* The other candidates for the Jubilee by-election are: Roy Hopwood representing the UK Independence Party, Wayne Martin for Labour and Tory David Walmsley.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Brown Sauce

Joined: 07 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No new members 'till Jan ...

Threatens to bankrupt the BNP....

Just how many members outside of the white knuckle draggers would it take i wonder?

If I were non white, maybe I'd try to get a whole load of non whites to join and properly fuck 'em Tommy. Maybe even set up a dedicated web site.

Any good ideas for a ?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hysterical Media Lies Building Up in Anticipation of Question Time
October 18, 2009
BNP News

The controlled media has started a campaign of serial lies and smears by association in the build-up to the appearance of British National Party leader Nick Griffin on BBC’s Question Time this week, said party deputy press officer, John Walker.

“In the latest issue of The Independent newspaper, which is anything but, we have a classic example of the type of lies in which the media is engaged,” Mr Walker said. “The illustrations which accompanied an article on the BNP written by long time left-wing extremist crank Nick Cohen are the case in point,” Mr Walker said. “There are three illustrations accompanying the article, all of which are implicitly meant to be associated with the BNP. The first is a British Union of Fascists (BUF) rally in Hyde Park in 1934. The second photograph is captioned ‘skinheads giving Nazi salutes at a National Front rally, Hyde Park 1981’ and the third is of a small group of Nationalist Alliance supporters in Leeds.

“Not one of these photographs are of any people who have links to the BNP. The BUF went out of existence during World War II. The second picture is not even of a National Front meeting, as the Independent quite openly lies, but actually of a British Movement march,” Mr Walker said. “The British Movement was actually vociferously opposed to the National Front, and hated the latter organisation,” he continued. “The third photograph is of a small, now defunct group which was comprised of people vehemently opposed to the BNP in general and Nick Griffin in person. In other words, The Independent has actually used photographs of groups who oppose Nick Griffin and then presented them as supporters. It is one of the more astonishing lies we have seen in recent times,” he said.

The picture of the BM skinheads had also been maliciously cropped by The Independent so that only the bottom of their banner was visible. The only word which could be read was ‘Dagenham’. This had been done in an obvious attempt to associate the skinheads with the BNP, because a large part of Mr Cohen’s accompanying article dealt with the BNP in Dagenham.

“The original picture in its un-cropped form showed the banner reading ‘Barking and Dagenham British Movement’,” said Mr Walker. “The cropping trick showed the depths to which The Independent plummeted in this smear.” Mr Walker said that the media’s hysterical lying campaign would probably increase as Thursday night’s Question Time broadcast drew ever nearer. “For example, Mr Griffin was interviewed on Sky TV this morning by Adam Boulton. Before the interview, the BNP was discussed by Sky News and illustrated by images from the English Defence League rally in Manchester the previous week.

“This they did despite it being public knowledge that both the BNP and EDL have distanced themselves from each other. The media is engaged in serial lying,” Mr Walker said. Mr Walker also cautioned supporters about the Question Time programme itself. “Supporters must remember that Mr Griffin will be on a panel with four hostile members, a hostile host and a hand-picked audience, all of whom will be baying for blood. “It is, in fact, a form of bear baiting. Mr Griffin will be there to represent an opinion which is usually never aired on the controlled BBC, and it is possible that he will not even be given the chance to complete a single sentence,” Mr Walker said.

He pointed out that the lengthy questionnaire which audience members were required to fill in before being granted admission to the show asked which party they supported. “The BNP is not even listed on that form as a choice,” Mr Walker said. “Supporters must remember that even if Mr Griffin is attacked from all sides, this is not the only time that the BNP is going to appear on this show. Each time they discuss a topic relevant to the BNP, our representatives will be there, and the media bias and hatred which will be seen this time round will not always be present.”

* Mr Walker also said that the police had refused to take any steps to ensure Mr Griffin’s safety on Thursday night. “Just like the incident at College Green, the police have indicated that they are not interested in ensuring that the BNP leader is not attacked outside the premises,” Mr Walker said.

“This is a disgrace when one considers that the far left has already threatened violence outside the BBC centre. We will be following up with the police during this coming week to further clarify their position,” Mr Walker concluded.


This is from the bowels of the BNP website. Mr Walker said...

I don't think I've ever seen a report in which the 'journalist' couldn't find alternatives to 'Mr X said' at the end of every bloody paragraph!

Thing is though, this Mr Walker seems to be unaware that the real problem in identifying them correctly is that THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME! haha
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BNP hit by second leak of 'members database'
Details of party's UK-wide rank and file membership expected to be posted online
Robert Booth, Helen Pidd and Paul Lewis
19 October 2009

The BNP is bracing itself for potentially fresh embarrassment tomorrow when details of the party's rank and file UK membership are expected to be posted on the internet. The list, which purports to be a snapshot of the party's support in April this year, includes the names, addresses, postcodes and telephone numbers of people who have signed up to the far-right group, including the grade of membership assigned by the party – standard, family, family plus, gold, OAP, and unwaged.

This list was leaked to a website, which insisted today that it was genuine, and that it intended to publish the information tomorrow. Today the BNP seemed unaware of the potential disclosure and said it appeared to have been timed to undermine the party ahead of the appearance of its leader, Nick Griffin, on Question Time on Thursday. Today the political row about the BBC's decision to invite him on to the programme intensified, with the corporation refusing to bow to pressure from a cabinet minister to cancel Griffin's appearance.

The apparent disclosure of a membership list will add to the controversy surrounding the party. The Guardian has seen the list, but could not verify its authenticity. It appears to show that:

• The BNP had 11,560 members as of April this year.

• The party appears to have benefited from a surge in female recruits – one in eight party members are now women.

• The highest concentrations of members are in Leicestershire, Lancashire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.

If the document is authentic, it will be the third time the party's membership data has been made public in recent years. In November 2008, a list of members' names contact details and sometimes jobs and hobbies was leaked by disgruntled members said to have become frustrated that the party had become too soft under Griffin. That list was widely circulated on the internet and last month 37-year-old former BNP member Matthew Single, appearing before Nottingham magistrates, admitted leaking the data and was fined £200 for breaching the Data Protection Act. In December 2006, an undercover investigation by the Guardian revealed that the organisation's members included Simone Clarke, then a ballerina for the English National Ballet.

A spokesman for the website which is proposing to publish the list said today it wanted to reveal it in order to provoke a debate in the UK about why people want to become members of the BNP. A BNP spokesman said it considered any publication of its internal membership data to be a criminal offence under the Data Protection Act. "This is an example of the perpetual hatred and vilification we face," said BNP deputy chairman Simon Darby.

Yesterday the Welsh secretary, Peter Hain, called on the BBC to withdraw Griffin's Question Time invitation because the BNP is currently "an unlawful body" after the party told a court last week it would have to amend its whites-only membership rules to meet discrimination legislation.

The last time BNP data was published, it emerged that teachers, policemen and former members of the Conservative, Labour and the Lib Dem parties had signed up. Several dozen admitted to being members and were named in the press. The latest list suggests that at least 19 of those members have now left the party.

• This article was amended on 20 October 2009. The original said that the purported BNP membership list includes one peer. This reference was incorrect and has been removed.


Fool me once, urrrrrm, fool me twice...... urrrrm

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was reading this over at and according to the guys there the art work of the spitfire the BNP are using was drawn by a Polish artist, of a spitfire in the colours of a Polish squadron that fought in the Battle of Britain Laughing
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Joined: 04 Jan 2009

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:15 pm    Post subject: I'll spoil their nasty little party Reply with quote

From George Galloway's Daily Record blog:

I just watched the loathsome Nick Griffin MEP being interviewed on Sky News.

It was a powder-puff interrogation and Griffin got away with murder and glossing over the greatest mass-murder in modern times - the Holocaust.

He was allowed to smear two million British citizens - Britain's Muslims - with no one, least of all Mr Murdoch's man, there to defend them.

This will become important on Thursday when the rat appears on BBC Question Time.

With next to nobody up against him - Jack Straw simply isn't up to the job - Griffin will run riot.

And there might be a riot outside as the Left maintains its stance of demanding no platform for the likes of him. But this is a stable door no longer worth trying to keep shut. This horse has bolted and is thrilling at least a million spectators as it comes down the righthand rail. It's time to confront these racist AGE nationalists - on the streets and on TV.

There was a campaign on Facebook for me to be put up against Griffin on Thursday. But I couldn't have done it even if the Beeb had succumbed, such is the hostility of the Left.

But this will have to change. It's time to lock horns. And on this one at least, I'm the best man for the job.


Campaign for George Galloway to face Nick Griffin on Question Time on Facebook:
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BNP Compares Generals With Nazi War Criminals

Nick Griffin has compared the army generals who attacked the BNP for "hijacking" the military to Nazi war criminals.

"Those Tory generals who today attacked the British National Party should remember that at the Nuremburg (sic) Trials, the politicians and generals accused of waging illegal aggressive wars were all charged - and hanged - together," he said on the Party's website.

Earlier Mr Griffin rejected accusations from General Sir Mike Jackson and General Sir Richard Dannatt, among others, that political extremists had no right to share the Armed Forces' proud reputation.

"The Nuremburg (sic) War Crimes Trials set the precedent when the leaders of Nazi Germany were charged with invading other countries which represented no military threat to Germany," Mr Griffin added.

"Along with the political leadership of Nazi Germany, the chiefs of staff of the German army, Alfred Jodl and Wilhelm Keitel, were also charged with waging aggressive war.

"Sir Richard and Sir Ken (sic) fall squarely into this bracket, and they must not think that they will escape culpability for pursuing the illegal wars in Iran (sic) and Afghanistan."

A Conservative Party spokesman described Mr Griffin's remarks as "absolutely despicable and abhorrent".

continued at sky news

and the bnp piece at

its a strange day when you agree with something nick griffin says Confused

be good if he gets to expand on this on question time - i wonder what the questions will be, probably one on the afghan elections, maybe one on this ...
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

luke wrote:
its a strange day when you agree with something nick griffin says Confused

I was thinking the same earlier - then I noticed my broken clock...
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What he doesn't mention, of course, is that a good percentage (8.5%) of the 'criminal scum' in prisons getting 'free tv' are ex-servicemen too.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's Nick Griffin on today's BBC World At One on Radio 4. The first five minutes are an interview with Simon Weston, the Falklands War veteran who was badly burned.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was just looking on the BNP site for more fodder and found this page on their fund-raising page...


They're not racist, not at all - they're just defending that British tradition of laughing at darkies.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Video of Andy McNab denouncing the BNP. Alan Partridge would be proud!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

from tonight's Channel 4 news.
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