"Gallus" George Galloway

audio and video archive

Don't forget to check the forum for all news and articles related to Galloway

01/12/07 5:10pm

A recording has just surfaced of an interview Galloway gave to a WND reporter. After a while itis clear that the reporter is not there just to interview Galloway, but to challenge him - resulting in Galloway having him removed...  to read more about the situation check THIS THREAD  The recording was made sometime in June of this year and is about 15 minutes long.

01/12/07 1:10am

There were only two subjects discussed in tonight's show - firstly that of the funding scandal that has hit the Labour party and secondly that of the British woman in Sudan who was jailed for allowing a teddy bear to be named Mohammed. My personal belief is that the Sudanese have let themselves down. Click HERE for a clip from CNN showing the protests apparently calling for the woman's death

talkSPORT - Friday the 30th of November

25/11/07 1:10am

Saturday's show was mainly about the fact that the leader of the BNP is appearing at the Oxford Union on Monday evening. It made for some great calls. I stopped it short at the end because I can't stand that Jerusalem song...

talkSPORT - Saturday the 24th of November

24/11/07 3:15pm

Friday's show was almost completely based on the topic of money. It was an interesting show all the same and there were more than a few callers who clearly just wanted a fight - bring it on!

talkSPORT - Friday the 23rd of November

17/11/07 1:15am

I wasn't able to listen to tonight's show either, but there was a good bit of talk about the football matches today... scotland the plucky losers again!

talkSPORT - Saturday the 17th of November

17/11/07 1:15am

I've not listened to tonight's show; all I know is that I had the volume set a bit too high, so be warned. I was watching Children In Need. The show started an hour later than usual tonight because of the crucial football games tomorrow.

talkSPORT - Friday the 16th of November

14/11/07 5:10pm

Here's a 5 minute segment from today's Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2. In it he discusses immigration with an opponent from an 'immigration awareness' group. Thanks to axlsbabe on the forum for letting us know this was on.

Jeremy Vine - Wednesday the 14th of November

11/11/07 1:10am

A lot of tonight's show was talk about the cancelled Annual Convention that was supposed to have been held in Blackpool.. I would have liked to have gone too, but luckily I couldn't afford to plan for it! There was also talk about the situation in Pakistan and also a few mentions of David Icke. If you want to hear David Icke on James Whale the other night, check this thread.

talkSPORT - Saturday the 10th of November

07/11/07 2:55pm

I only just got this file as I missed it on Monday, and for a daytime show I thought it was pretty good. Lots of discussion about torture and its value along with many callers talking about binge drinking. Thanks to www.SpideredNews.com for the original file.

talkSPORT - Monday the 5th of November

04/11/07 1:15am

I missed the first half hour of tonight's show, but unless you were interested in learning how to solve personal debt problems I doubt you'll be missing out. The rest of the show was given over to discussion of Firefighters and whether it matters if the person who saves your life is male or female, and also the situation that's developing in Pakistan.

talkSPORT - Saturday the 3rd of November

03/11/07 1:18am

Most of tonight's show was given over to discussion of 'Sir' Iain Blair, who as the Metropolitan Police commissioner oversaw the De Menezes case. There was a good bit of discussion on immigration too, with Galloway asserting that 'Scotland is empty' - which technically is true, but he seems to deliberately ignore the obvious fact that immigrants don't, by their very nature, go to the empty parts! If I wanted a job in America I'd not move to the Mojave desert...

Tonight's file is stored on a different file serving site, and once downloaded you'll need to either drag the file into your media player, or rename the .ctr extension to .wma. I use this method as it's a lot quicker to upload for me and to download for you... (if I keep the file extension as .wma it makes the file a stream rather than a download.)

talkSPORT - Friday the 2nd of November


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